Memecik Olive Trees (Sapling)
Memecik Olive Saplings – Memecik Olive Features
It is also known as Taş arası, Ziraat ,Topan and Selçuk Asiyeli in different regions. It is most common variety in Agean Region. It is grown in large amount in Turkey. The most important feature of this olive is it can be produced both green and black table olive and also, because it has high oil portion , it is also grown for its oil. So , it is very valuable especially gained by suitable marketting conditions .
Tree Features
Its trees are half upright and they grow strongly. It is durable to drought.
Fruit Features
Its fruits are big and oval and mamillate shaped. The grain is medium in size , the top and bottom are sharp and the seed –nucleus is large. This variety is very fruitful and has high oil quality. Its oil portion is nearly 28-30%. It can be used for both table olive and ıts oil.Its oil quality is high and it can be stored for a long time.
Its Geographical Distribution
It can be grown in any region which has a characteristic of Mediterrian Climate and which is hot. Its production is much especially in Izmir, Aydın, Manisa, Denizli, Mugla, Antalya, Sinop, Kahramanmaras and Kastamonu in Turkey.
Its Plantation Distance
It is suitable for 6×6 in plain areas.
Sapling Production
First full-growns should be gained through Delice Vine Olive tree seeds burying them when farmers want to grow Memecik Saplings. These full-growns are grown for 3 years for vaccination and when they grow enough , breeding are taken from Memecik Olive Trees and by eye vaccination production is done.