Arbequina Olive Trees

Arbequina Olives – Arbequina Olive Sapling – Arbequina Olive Cultivation -Arbequina Olive Sapling Prices
Arbequina Olives are grown in Spain because of its high quality and productivity.
What is Arbequina?
Arbequina Olives have spread throughout the World from Les Garrigues region, discovered in Catalonia, Spain in Arbequa ,nearby the mountanious land in Arbeca town. Arbequina Olives have an important part in the economy of this small town as well as almond,pear,peach and apple. Its cultivation has become common in the other parts of Spain.According to historical documents,first Arbequina seeds were brought to Jerusalem by Duke of Medicanelli in Arbequina in the Middle Age.It is a special kind and has high yielding and also it is suitable for frequent planting. Because of their balanced favor and high oil content, Arbequina Olives are mostly used in olive oil production.
Arbequina Olives are round and small in sizebut big in favor. They change colour during ripening process,going from a pale gerren to pink before and finally becoming deep purple. Their harvest period is in November and they can be harvested earlier than other oil olives. Its oil colour ranges from emerald to gold. It tends to remind the taste of almond bitterness at first but quiet aromatic.
General Information
Trees are not so strong and big and because of its fruits’ small size, mechanical harvesting is difficult. These small Arbequina Olives are highly aromatic with rich fruity taste and have a firm , meaty texture. It is also a favourite for marinated vegetables and grid fish. Because of its soft and sweet aroma,it is better for frying and cooking.It is ideal for Alliolli and mayannoise. Arbequina Olive is a popular kind among consumers due to its unique aroma and its benefits for health.
There is nearly 71% of aleic acid and 11 % lenoleic acid in its oil content.It tastes sweet and fruity aromas such as almond,green banana and tomato.
Oil industry has a traditional cultivation methods for ages. Today, wise interpreters has discovered new varities ,giving early yielding as well as suitable for frequent planting and also cultivated by machines.Thus, oil industry has introduced with high technology. While this oil industry is new in our country, it has been common in important olive regions such as Spain,Italy,Argentina and Australlia. In such olive gardens, the aim is not only to have early harvest but also, especially, to gain perfect quality oil.
The Regions Growing Arbequina Olives
It is the most important variety in Catalonia in the North of Spain. It is grown in a wide area as much as 55.000 ha.It has also spread throughout Spain, especially Endulus region. It is a model for frequent planting in Spain and also grown in many countries such as France,theUSA,Portugal,Italy,Fas,Australlia,Greece and Argentina. In recent years its cultivation is so common in Portugal. It can be grown in almost any region due to its resistance to cold weather conditions.
Agricultural and Commercial Importance of Arbequina Olives
It ismedium strong , buncyand medium/tall tree. It doesn’t need pollinizer,it inseminates itself. It is high and stable in terms of yielding and gives fruit earlier. Its oil content is high and its quality is perfect. Its rooting capacity is high.
Morphological Features of Arbequina Olives
Shape of leaves: It is small,short and medium wide with eliptic shape.
Shape of Fruit : It gets darker when it matures,it is round and doesn’t have stalk. Its fruit seed is at avarage size with small,sphere-symetric shape..Its top is round and without stalk. Its seed and meat is proportional.
Shape of Seed : Oval and symetric. It is hard on the surface and 7-10 fibrovascular corrugated. It is round on the top,at the buttomand inside. And then mukronl. Circle and centre of maximum cross section.
Olive Seedling Varieties
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Resistance,toleranceand precision
Sensitive to Branch Cancer
Partly sensitive to Ringy Stain
Sensitive to Varticillium
Its cultivation is limited on limy lands (marl)
Resistant to cold
Area Demands of Arbequina Olives
Arbequina is relatively adaptable to different climate conditions and areas. It can be grown on any area without bottom water as well as all the other olive varieties. Because of its malinal harvest, the slope of the area should not be more than 10%.If machinery agriculture is not planned , it can be grown on any land. Its water requirement is usually the same as the other varieties’ but sometimes a little bit more. When it is adaptable to dry areas, its product quality lessens a little. It is recomended that its first plantation should be 100 acre.
Plantation of Arbequina Olive Seedlings
Because of its short,low variety, it is suitable for frequent planting. Suggested planting squeeze is 1,35×4 metres. About 200 trees are planted per an acre. In our country, usually its plantation is done by 1,5×4 metres. We suggest that it should be nothern to southern if the distance left for 4 metres. We alsosuggest that the space between the lines should not be less than 1,5 metres.
Irrigation of Arbequina Olives
This variet needs a bit more water than the other kinds to increase the yielding quality. Drip irrigation is suggested.
Production of Arbequina Olive
Seedling full-grown are brought from licenced plants of Spain and Izmir Research Institution. Full-growns are rooted in special rooting greenhouses in paper pots. Finally, they are taken into pots full of a mixture of peat and the other additives.
Caring of Arbequina Olives
It is easy. Routine fertilizers and protective medicine is aplied. We can summerize its general information as : It is productive and has low driving force. Due to its early cultivation,high and permanent yield is provided. Its most important feature is that it has high oil portion and perfect oil quality. Itis strong in terms of rooting. It is resistant to cold weather conditions and sensitive to baranch cancer. It can be said that it is partly resistant to ringy satain.
Pruning of Arbequina Olives
First 5 years manual and then machinery pruning is done to protect the tree quality. Arbequina trees are nearly 2 metres tall so it is easy and cheap to be given medicine and fertilizer and to prune.
Wild Grass Control İn Arbequina Gardens
It is essential to take under control of wild grass in these gardens. It should be taken under control completely through required processes.
It is usualy pollinated by the wind and by itself. If you have more than one tree, you can get better fruits. Thus, planting more than two blooming species canincrease the product quality.
This variety completes its ripening process in October and November and turns into Brown or purple from pink. If it is demanded , it can be harvested while it is green and cold squeeze can be done.
In order to prevent fruit from becoming dirty and stainy, using machinery during harvest is the best method. It is possible to harvest 10 dekar in per an hour. Because of harvesting fruits without being harmed, its acid proportion is relatively low.
How many kilos give an Arbequina tree is a common question and the answer is that 8 to 12 kilos gained from each tree. When it is controlled well and the climate conditions are well, gaining 15 kilos is possible. Its oil productive is 3/1 or 4/1 . These results ar efor well controlled and good climate conditions.
Harvesting period is so important. Oil portion is low during early harvest but high during late harvest period. However, during late harvest period, the fruits touch the ground so fermantation starts and results in low oil quality. Machinery cultivation provides high oil uality. The colour of the oil gained from Arbequina trees ranges from green to gold.
This variety starts giving product in its second year and gives full yielding after its fourth year. It can give product every year because of its low peridiosity.
Selling Arbequina Olive Seedling
Arbequina seedling are sold in pots , which is different from other varieties not sold in pots. Its early plantation is suitable for its growing. It is sold and planted in 0.6 or 0,4 litres pots while they are 30 to 60 cm tall. Being smaller than other varieties does not mean that they can not be grown. It is grown up to 70 to 110 cm as long as well care and regular irrigation. It gives few fruits in its first year and increases in number year by year.